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The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 was a major piece of education reform designed to improve student achievement and change the culture of America’s schools. This law represented a sweeping overhaul of federal efforts to support elementary and secondary education in the United States.

The act embodies four key principles:
  •      Stronger accountability for results.
  •      Greater state and local control and flexibility.
  •      More choices for parents.
 An emphasis on teaching methods that have been demonstrated to work based on scientific research.
The act also increased the emphasis on reading and math, especially for young children.  The NCLB act affects virtually every program authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that was originally enacted in 1965.

Shoshone School District manages Federally Funded programs in cooperation with the State of Idaho and the Federal Government.  The list of Federal Programs in Shoshone include:

     Title I – Improving Academic Achievement
     Title IC – Migrant Education
     Title IIA – Improving Teacher and Principal Quality
     Title III – Language Acquisition
     Title X – Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program

The contact for Federal Programs is:
Rob Waite, Superintendent 61 E. Hwy 24 (208) 886-2381 [email protected]